Congregation Tifereth Israel

Dinner, Drinks & Drash

April 12, 2022    
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

1st & 3rd Tuesdays l Rabbis Skolnik & Braver, and guest teachers l 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Zoom Link / Meeting ID: 85157605900 / Password: tifereth


Study with Rabbis Skolnik and Braver, along with guest teachers from across Columbus!
Sponsor a night of learning in honor or memory of a loved one — reach out to Rabbi Braver for more information.


March 1: Caring for the Dying: Hospice Chaplaincy | Rabbi Wendy Ungar, Senior Chaplain at the James Cancer Hospital, & Rabbi Braver | In honor of the work of the Tifereth Israel Hevra Kadisha

March 15: Doing Purim Right: Purim Practices to Focus on for 2022 | Rabbi Skolnik

April 5: A Conversation About Community | Joel Marcovitch, President & CEO of JewishColumbus

April 19: What is Environmental Justice? | Jason Cervenec, Education & Outreach Director, Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center | In support of the B.R.E.A.D. Environmental Justice campaign