What is a legacy gift?
Creating a legacy gift through the Tifereth Israel Foundation is a way for you to support what is important to you – now and in the future. These gifts provide a lasting source of security for our synagogue and make an enduring impact on our future.
Who can create a legacy gift?
Your gift can be structured to fit your lifestyle, family, and financial priorities. Legacy giving is appropriate for gifts of any size and can be customized to provide support for what interests you, including:
Why should I participate?
Establishing a named fund with Tifereth Israel Foundation demonstrates your commitment to maintaining the strength and long-term financial security of the synagogue and its traditions. It is an excellent way to pay tribute to those you love or remember, inspire others, and ensure that your values and priorities live on in perpetuity
Ready to establish a gift or want to hear more about the process and your options? Contact:
Tifereth Israel Foundation