Religious School

Tifereth Israel Members Enroll Here!
Students in K – 12 will receive free tuition this year made possible by The George M. & Renee K. Levine and Milton & Elaine Lewin Family Funds of the Tifereth Israel Foundation for Tifereth Israel members in good standing.
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Through play, movement, song, art, storytelling, and technology, Samuel M. Melton Religious School students in kindergarten through seventh grade become familiar with the age-old rituals and traditions that make up our modern Jewish faith, culture, and heritage. We also focus on siddur (prayer book) and daily Hebrew vocabulary to ensure all students can connect spiritually to prayer and Jewish communities around the world.
To enroll your kids in Religious School, please click here. See below for more information.
Our Program
Grade 1
Grade 2
Meets Sundays from 9:00 – 12:30 pm
Students will be able to explain the procedure of Shabbat, such as reciting Shalom Aleichem, and the HaGafen and Hamotzei. They will also learn to read Alef Bet letters with vowels and be familiar with key Hebrew words related to Shabbat. Additionally, students will practice saying, spelling, and writing their Hebrew name.
Grade 3
Meets Sundays from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm and virtually once per week for 30-minutes to focus on Hebrew and tefillah
Students will be able to explain the procedure of Shabbat, such as reciting Shalom Aleichem, and the HaGafen and Hamotzei. They will also learn to read Alef Bet letters with vowels and be familiar with key Hebrew words related to Shabbat. Additionally, students will practice saying, spelling, and writing their Hebrew name.
Grade 4
Grade 5 and 6
Meets Sundays from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm and virtually once per week for 30-minutes to focus on Hebrew and tefillah
Students will learn the main principles of Kashrut, such as not mixing milk and meat, avoiding shellfish and pork, and ensuring kosher slaughtering of meat. They will also start to understand their role in leading parts of the service, including the significance of becoming a B Mitzvah. Additionally, students will begin to learn food blessings and continue to explore the importance of their B Mitzvah.
Grade 7
Meets Sundays from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Students will learn about Tikkun Olam, the Jewish concept of “repairing the world,” and how it relates to social action within their community. They will explore ways to contribute positively to society by engaging in activities that promote kindness, justice, and equality. As a culmination of their learning, students will complete a creative project that reflects their understanding of Tikkun Olam and showcases their insights from the year.
Ready to enroll? Log in to your Member Portal.
Questions? Please contact:
Paige Richards, Family Life & Learning Director | | 614-928-3289
Navah Moore, School Administrative Assistant | | 614-928-3284