Congregation Tifereth Israel

Pesach 5785

We’re glad to have you celebrating Pesach 5785 with us at Tifereth Israel! Whether you’re preparing for a full seder table, or attending your first-ever seder, we have many ways to get involved and celebrate this holiday.

Sell Your Chametz

Over the course of the eight days of Passover, we are commanded both to not eat chametz, or leaven, and to possess no leaven in our households. Learn more about how to sell your Chametz to Rabbi Hillel Skolnik for the duration of the holiday.

The deadline to sign up is Thursday, April 10 at noon.

Sign up to Sell Your Chametz

Passover Seder Matchmaking

Looking for a seder to attend? Do you have room at your table this year? Let us be your seder matchmaker!

The deadline to sign up is Thursday, April 3.

Sign up as a Host

Sign up as a Guest

Join us for a Pre-Passover Meal · Friday, April 11

Let us help you get that kitchen cleaned and ready for Pesach with this pre-Passover dinner! Food will be provided by Arie Catering, and will include a Kosher for Pesach chicken entree, vegetable sides, and garden salad. 

Tickets are $25 for ages 11+, and $15 for ages 10 and under. Kabbalat Shabbat services start at 5:30 pm, dinner starts at 6:45 pm. 

Register by Friday, April 4.

Register for Dinner

A special thanks to the Sidney & Bertha Wasserstrom Fund of the Tifereth Israel Foundation for helping to underwrite this dinner.

Additional Passover Programming


Thoughts for Your Seder Table

Click on the image below to view, download, and print this year’s Passover reflections, or “Seder Sparks,” from various members of our community.